
时间:2022-03-24 14:44:05  来源:   阅读量:
职务 办公室 材料大楼B424室
电话 0731-58298577 邮箱 tangminghua@xtu.edu.cn

  • 姓   名:唐明华
  • 职   务:
  • 办公室:材料大楼B424室
  • 电   话:0731-58298577
  • 邮   箱:tangminghua@xtu.edu.cn


唐明华,男,党员,湖南祁东人。湘潭大学材料科学与工程学院,二级教授,工学博士,博士生导师。研究方向为先进信息材料及低功耗高密度存储器(铁电存储器、阻变存储器)、硅漂移探测器、类脑计算与感存算一体芯片技术等。湖南省普通高校学科带头人(微电子学与固体电子学),湖南省首届优秀研究生导师,湘潭大学韶峰学者人才计划学术带头人,湘潭大学首批优秀教师IEEE、中国电子学会、中国材料学会高级会员,湖南省核学会副理事长,Advanced MaterialsNature ElectronicsNano LettersIEEE Electron Device Letters27种国际期刊审稿人。国家科技奖、国家级人才、国家自然科学基金等评审专家。湘潭大学材料与器件国家级教学团队、低维材料与器件力学湖南省首批自然科学创新研究群体和薄膜材料及其器件力学教育部创新团队核心成员。


Advanced MaterialsAdvanced Functional MaterialsIEEE Journal of Solid-State CircuitsThe IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) SystemsIEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and SystemsIEEE Electron Device LettersIEEE Transactions on Electron DevicesIEEE Journal of the Electron Devices SocietyIEEE Transactions on Nuclear ScienceSCIENCE CHINA Materials等国内外著名刊物上发表SCI收录论文100余篇。申请国家发明专利41项,其中已授权17项,集成电路布图设计著作权1项;获得日本专利1项。获湖南省自然科学奖一等奖、二等奖各1项,国家级高等教育教学成果奖二等奖1项,湖南省高等教育教学成果奖一等奖1项、二等奖3项。


l   2014-09 现在,湘潭大学,材料科学与工程学院,教授

l   2011-10 2014-08,湘潭大学,材料与光电物理学院,教授

l   2011-06 2011-12,新加坡南洋理工大学访问学者

l   2009-09 2011-05,湘潭大学,材料与光电物理学院,教授

l   2008-08 2009-08,日本东京工业大学电子工程系访问学者

l   2007-12 2008-07,湘潭大学,材料与光电物理学院,教授

l   2004-09 2007-11,湘潭大学,材料与光电物理学院,副教授

l   2003-08 2004-08,清华大学微电子研究所访问学者

l   2002-05 2003-07,湘潭大学,材料与光电物理学院,副教授

l   2003-09 2007-12,湘潭大学,材料物理与化学,工学博士

l   1984-09 1988-06,湘潭大学,无线电物理,学士


l   本科:电工电子技术、《From Sand (Materials) to Chip (Devices)》(全校性文化素质教育课程)、微电子材料与器件专业导学

l   研究生:集成电路设计、半导体辐射探测器


l   先进信息材料及低功耗高密度存储器(铁电存储器FeRAM、阻变存储器RRAM

l   硅漂移探测器(SDD)、低功耗低噪声超快抗辐射三维沟槽电极硅探测器

l   类脑计算与感存算一体芯片技术


1.         欧阳晓平、王金斌、林建国、孙立忠、马增胜、李江宇、刘金刚、杨雪娟、胡义伟、蒋文娟、钟向丽、唐明华、朱旺、齐福刚、张德闯,红色传承、需求引领、能力为本、多维评价:材料类研究生培养模式探索与实践,国家高等教育教学成果二等奖,2023年。

2.         周益春、王金斌、郑学军、钟向丽、唐明华、马颖,无铅铁电薄膜及其器件的失效与性能调制,湖南省自然科学奖一等奖,2012年。

3.         唐明华、肖永光、燕少安、唐振华、陈卓俊,先进信息功能材料及其低功耗高密度存储器件,湖南省自然科学奖二等奖,2020年。

4.         周益春、唐明华、杨丽、欧阳晓平、杨奇斌,基于钱学森工程科学理念的材料学科研究生培养模式与实践,湖南省高等教育教学成果一等奖,2019年。

5.         尹付成、钟向丽、李发国、黄勇力、刘运牙、唐明华、胡义伟、王鑫铭、陈尚达,思政引领-学科融合-能力贯通的材料类工程创新人才培养探索与实践,湖南省高等教育教学成果二等奖,2022

6.         尹付成、王鑫铭、李发国、黄勇力、唐明华,材料类人才工程能力培养的三三驱动模式与实践,湖南省高等教育教学成果二等奖,2019年。

7.         钟建新、胡义伟、唐明华、曾以成、杨恢先,学赛相长、研教融合的创新人才培养模式探索与实践,湖南省高等教育教学成果二等奖,2010年。

8.         唐明华,湖南省首届优秀研究生导师,2019年。


1.         低功耗低噪声超快抗辐射三维沟槽电极硅探测器芯片的研发与应用,科技部国家重点研发计划基础科研条件与重大科学仪器设备研发重点专项, 2023YFF071960020240101-20261231日,项目负责人,主持;

2.         SDD芯片制作工艺研究,科技部国家重点研发计划基础科研条件与重大科学仪器设备研发重点专项,2017YFF010500220170701-20201231日,子课题二负责人,主持;

3.         X射线成像和能谱分析的多通道硅漂移探测器阵列研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,1183500820190101-20231231日,子课题负责人,主持;

4.         基于忆阻器的存算一体神经形态处理器理论与关键技术研究,国家自然科学基金区域创新发展联合基金重点支持项目,U23A2032220240101-20271231日,合作单位项目负责人,主持;

5.         面向存算一体应用的可重构铪基FeFET的易失-非易失双模动态调控,国家自然科学基金后摩尔时代新器件基础研究重大研究计划培育项目,9216410820220101-20241231日,项目负责人,主持;

6.         基于自旋极化多铁隧道结的多值存储研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,5147221020150101-20181231日,项目负责人,主持;

7.         铁电栅场效应晶体管存储器的单粒子效应研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,6127410720130101-20161231日,项目负责人,主持;

8.         LCMO/BNT磁电超晶格复合薄膜与磁电耦合效应调制,国家自然科学基金面上项目,5107217120110101-20131231日,项目负责人,主持;

9.         无铅铁电薄膜场效应晶体管的保持性能,国家自然科学基金面上项目,6087605420090101-20111231日,项目负责人,主持;

10.      中日国际交流与合作项目,国家自然科学基金国际合作项目,5111030506520110101-20111231日,项目负责人,主持;

11.      HfO2基抗辐照铁电栅晶体管存储器研制,国家国防科技工业局国防基础科研项目,JCKY2018403C01520190101-20201231日,项目负责人,主持。


1.         Rui Liu, Xiaoyu Zhang, Zhiwen Xie, Xinyu Wang, Zerun Li, Xiaoming Chen, Yinhe Han, and Minghua Tang. FeCrypto: Instruction set architecture for cryptographic algorithms based on FeFET-based in-memory computing. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 42 (9): (2023) 2889-2902.

2.         Chaoyi Ban, Yuhang Yin, Xu Luo, Zhengdong Liu, Kang Chen, Minghua Tang, Xuemei Dong, Dengfeng Zhang, Zifan Li, Yueyue Wu, Juqing Liu and Wei Huang. Light-/steam-driven polymeric crosslinking with porous multistructure pattern for ultrastable and fast-speed memory. SCIENCE CHINA Materials, 66 (5) (2023) 2023-2031.

3.         Tanghao Xie, Qinan Wang, Min Li, Yuxiao Fang, Gang Li, Shuangshuang Shao, Wenbo Yu, Suyun Wang, Weibing Gu, Xiaochun Zhao, Minghua Tang, and Jianwen Zhao. Carbon nanotube optoelectronic synapse transistor arrays with ultralow-power-consumption for stretchable neuromorphic vision systems. Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 2303970.

4.         Xiangqing Liu, Gang Li, Zhenyang Zhao, Qi Cao, Zijun Zhang, Shaoan Yan, Jianbin Xie, and Minghua Tang. EAF-WGAN: Enhanced alignment fusion-wasserstein generative adversarial network for turbulent image restoration. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 33 (10) (2023) 5605-5616.

5.         Hongqing Li, Yunqing Jiang, Xiaoqiang Zhang, Fan Zhang, Yongguang Xiao, Minghua Tang, Zhenyang Zhao, Yong Xu, Fengguang Liu, Weisheng Zhao. Spintronic terahertz polarization programmable system for information encoding. Optics and Laser Technology, 167 (2023) 109717.

6.         Haoran Yan, Qianru Zhao, Yan Chen, Shuaiqin Wu, Gang Li, Xianghua Da, Hanxue Jiao, Xiaochi Tai, Yongguang Xiao, Shaoan Yan, Minghua Tang, Tie Lin, Hong Shen, Xiangjian Meng, Xudong Wang, Junhao Chu, Jianlu Wang. MoTe2/SnSe2 tunneling diode regulated by giant ferroelectric field. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 70 (11) (2023) 5966-5971.

7.         Zhuolin Xie, Xiaojian Zhu, Wei Wang, Zhecheng Guo, Yuejun Zhang, Huiyuan Liu, Cui Sun, Minghua Tang, Shuang Gao, Wei D. Lu & Run-Wei Li. Temporal pattern coding in ionic memristor-based spiking neurons for adaptive tactile perception. Advanced Electronic Materials, 08 (10) (2022) 2200334 (10 pages).

8.         Qilai Chen, Tingting Han, Jianmin Zeng, Zhilong He, Yulin Liu, Jinglin Sun, Minghua Tang, Zhang Zhang, Pingqi Gao and Gang Liu. Perovskite-based memristor with 50-fold switchable photosensitivity for in-sensor computing neural network. Nanomaterials, 12 (2022) 2217 (12 pages).

9.         Shaoan Yan, Junyi Zang, Pei Xu, Yingfang Zhu, Gang Li, Qilai Chen, Zhuojun Chen, Yan Zhang, Minghua Tang, and Xuejun Zheng. Recent progress in ferroelectric synapses and their applications. SCIENCE CHINA Materials66 (3) (2023) 877-894.

10.      Gang Li, Chen He, Ying Xiong, Zhi Zou, Yulin Liu, Qilai Chen, Wanli Zhang, Shaoan Yan, Yongguang Xiao, Minghua Tang, Zheng Li. Coexistence of ferroelectricity and metallicity in M-doped BaTiO3 (M=Al, V, Cr, Fe, Ni, and Nb): First-principles study. Materials Today Communications, 27 (2021) 102394.

11.      Zhuojun Chen, Chenchen Zhang, Ming Wu, Teng Wang, Yun Zeng, Xin Wan, Hu Jin, Jun Xu, and Minghua Tang. Analysis and mitigation of single-event gate rupture in VDMOS with termination structure. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 68 (6) (2021) 1272-1278.

12.      Hansai Ji, Minghua Tang, Gang Li, Yan Zhou, Yulin Liu, Yunlong Sun, Yongguang Xiao and Zheng Li. A high performance 3-bit ripple counter based on organic TFTs. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 35 (2020) 035022.

13.      J. He, Y. Q. Chen, Z. Y. He, Y. F. En, C. Liu, Y. Huang, Z. Li and M. H. Tang. Effect of hot electron stress on AlGaN/GaN HEMTs of hydrogen poisoning. IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, 7 (1) (2019) 76-81.

14.      Qilai Chen, Gang Liu, Wuhong Xue, Jie Shang, Shuang Gao, Xiaohui Yi, Ying Lu, Xinhui Chen, Minghua Tang, Xuejun Zheng, Run-Wei Li. Controlled construction of atomic point contact with 16 quantized conductance states in oxide resistive switching memory. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 1 (2019) 789-798.

15.      Dong Wang, Shaoan Yan, Qilai Chen, Qiming He, Gang Li, Yongguang Xiao, Minghua Tang, Xuejun Zheng. Recovery of cycling-induced endurance failure in HfOx based memristive devices by utilizing oxygen plasma treatment. Applied Physics Letters, 115 (24) (2019) 243105.

16.      Q. M. He, W. X. Mu, Z. T. Jia, S. B. Long, Z. A. Yu, Z. H. Yao, W. Wang, H. Dong, Y. Qin, G. Z. Jian, Y. Zhang, H. B. Lv, Q. Liu, M. H. Tang, X. T. Tao, and M. Liu. Schottky barrier rectifier based on (100) β-Ga2O3 and its DC and AC characteristics. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 39 (4) (2018) 556-559.

17.      X. D. Wang, Y. Chen, G. J. Wu, J. L. Wang, B. B. Tian, S. Sun, H. Shen, T. Lin, W. D. Hu, T. T. Kang, M. H. Tang, Y. G. Xiao, J. L. Sun, X. J. Meng, and J. H Chu. Graphene Dirac point tuned by ferroelectric polarization field. Nanotechnology, 29 (13) (2018) 134002.

18.      Rongxin Xiong, Wanli Zhang, Bin Fang, Gang Li, Zheng Li, Zhongming Zeng, Minghua Tang. Ferromagnetic resonance manipulation by electric fields in Ni81Fe19/Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti2.99Mn0.01O12 multiferroic heterostructures. Applied Physics Letters, 113 (17) (2018) 172407.

19.      Xudong Wang, Chunsen Liu, Yan Chen, Guangjian Wu, Xiao Yan, Hai Huang, Peng Wang, Bobo Tian, Zhenchen Hong, Yutao Wang, Shuo Sun, Hong Shen, Tie Lin, Wei-Da Hu, Minghua Tang, Peng Zhou, Jianlu Wang, Jinglan Sun, Xiangjian Meng, Junhao Chu, Zheng Li. Ferroelectric FET for nonvolatile memory application with two-dimensional MoSe2 channels. 2D Materials, 4 (2017) 025036 (1-8).

20.      Xudong Wang, Yan Chen, Guangjian Wu, Dan Li, Luqi Tu, Shuo Sun, Hong Shen, Tie Lin, Yongguang Xiao, Minghua Tang, Weida Hu, Lei Liao, Peng Zhou, Jinglan Sun, Xiangjian Meng, Junhao Chu, and Jianlu Wang. Two-dimensional negative capacitance transistor with polyvinylidene fluoride-based ferroelectric polymer gating. npj 2D Materials and Applications, 1:38 (2017).

21.      Qiming He, Wenxiang Mu, Hang Dong, Shibing Long, Zhitai Jia, Hangbing Lv, Qi Liu, Minghua Tang, Xutang Tao, and Ming Liu. Schottky barrier diode based on β-Ga2O3 (100) single crystal substrate and its temperature-dependent electrical characteristics. Applied Physics Letters, 110 (9) (2017) 093503.

22.      S. A. Yan, W. Zhao, H. X. Guo, Y. Xiong, M. H. Tang, Zheng Li, Y. G. Xiao, W. L. Zhang, H. Ding, J. W. Chen, and Y. C. Zhou. Impact of total ionizing dose irradiation on Pt/SrBi2Ta2O9/HfTaO/Si memory capacitors. Applied Physics Letters, 106 (1) (2015) 012901.

23.      Songting Li, Jiancheng Li, Xiaochen Gu, Hongyi Wang, Cong Li, Jianfei Wu, and Minghua Tang. Reconfigurable all-band RF CMOS transceiver for GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/Beidou with digitally-assisted calibration. The IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 23 (9) (2015) 1814-1827.

24.      Xudong Wang, Jianlu Wang, Peng Wang, Weida Hu, Xiaohao Zhou, Nan Guo, Shuo Sun, Hong Shen, Tie Lin, Minghua Tang, Lei Liao, Anquan Jiang, Jinglan Sun, Xiangjian Meng, Xiaoshuang Chen, Wei Lu, Junhao Chu. Ultrasensitive and broadband MoS2 photodetector driven by ferroelectrics. Advanced Materials, 27 (42) (2015) 6575-6581.

25.      D. L. Xu, Y. Xiong, M. H. Tang, B. W. Zeng, and Y. G. Xaio. Bipolar and unipolar resistive switching mode in Pt/Zn0.99Zr0.01O/Pt structure for multi-bit resistance random access memory. Applied Physics Letters, 104 (18) (2014) 183501.

26.      Z. H. Tang, Y. Xiong, M. H. Tang, Y. G. Xiao, W. Zhang, M. L. Yuan, J. Ouyang, and Y. C. Zhou. Temperature dependence of magnetoelectric effect in Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12-La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 multiferroic composite films buffered by a LaNiO3 layer. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2 (8) (2014) 1427-1435.

27.      D. L. Xu, Y. Xiong, M. H. Tang, B. W. Zeng. Coexistence of the bipolar and unipolar resistive switching behaviors in vanadium doped ZnO films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 584 (2014) 269-272.

28.      F. Liu, X. P. Ouyang, M. H. Tang, Y. G. Xiao, B. Liu, X. B Zhang, Y. Feng, J. P. Zhang, and J. L. Liu. Scaling-induced enhancement of X-rays luminescence in CsI(Na) crystals. Applied Physics Letters, 102 (18) (2013) 181107.

29.      S. T. Li, J. C. Li, X. C. Gu, H. Y. Wang, M. H. Tang, and Z. W. Zhuang. A continuously and widely tunable 5 dB-NF 89.5 dB-Gain 85.5 dB-DR CMOS TV receiver with digitally-assisted calibration for multi-standard DBS applications. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 48 (11) (2013) 2762-2774.

30.      Y. G. Xiao, M. H. Tang, J. C. Li, C. P. Cheng, B. Jiang, H. Q. Cai, Z. H. Tang, X. S. Lv, and X. C. Gu. Temperature effect on electrical characteristics of negative capacitance ferroelectric field-effect transistors. Applied Physics Letters, 100 (8) (2012) 083508.

31.      Y. G. Xiao, Y. Xiong, M. H. Tang, J. C. Li, C. P. Cheng, B. Jiang, Z. H. Tang, X. S. Lv, H. Q. Cai, X. C. Gu, and Y. C. Zhou. Effect of doping concentration of substrate silicon on retention characteristics in metal-ferroelectric-insulator-semiconductor capacitors. Applied Physics Letters, 100 (17) (2012) 173504.

32.      Y. G. Xiao, Z. J. Chen, M. H. Tang, Z. H. Tang, S. A. Yan, J. C. Li, X. C. Gu, Y. C. Zhou, and X. P. Ouyang. Simulation of electrical characteristics in negative capacitance surrounding-gate ferroelectric field-effect transistors. Applied Physics Letters, 101 (25) (2012) 253511.

33.      Z. J. Chen, Y. G. Xiao, M. H. Tang, Y. Xiong, J. Q. Huang, J. C. Li, X. C. Gu, and Y. C. Zhou. Surface-potential-based drain current model for long-channel junctionless double-gate MOSFETs. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 59 (12) (2012) 3292-3298.

34.      M. H. Tang, B. Jiang, W. Zhang, Y. G. Xiao, Y. C. Zhou, J. He, and J. Ouyang. Structural and electrical characterizations of Bi(Zn0.5Ti0.5)O3 doped lead zirconate titanate ferroelectric films with enhanced ferroelectric properties. Thin Solid Films, 520 (21) (2012) 6684-6689.

35.      Minghua Tang, Xiaolei Xu, Zhi Ye, Yoshihiro Sugiyama, and Hiroshi Ishiwara. Impact of HfTaO buffer layer on data retention characteristics of ferroelectric-gate FET for nonvolatile memory applications. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 58 (2) (2011), 370-375.

36.      M. H. Tang, Z. H. Sun, Y. C. Zhou, Y. Sugiyama, H. Ishiwara. Capacitance-voltage and retention characteristics of Pt/SrBi2Ta2O9/HfO2/Si structures with various buffer layer thickness. Applied Physics Letters, 94 (2009), 212907 (1-3).

37.       M. H. Tang, W. Shu, F. Yang, J. Zhang, G. J. Dong, J. W. Hou. Fabrication of La-substituted bismuth titanate nanofibers by electrospinning. Nanotechnology, 20 (38) (2009), 385602 (1-4).

38.      F. Yang, M. H. Tang, Y. C. Zhou, F. Liu, Y. Ma, X. J. Zheng, J. X. Tang, H. Y. Xu, W. F. Zhao, Z. H. Sun, J. He. Fatigue mechanism of the ferroelectric perovskite thin films. Applied Physics Letters, 92 (2008), 022908 (1-3).

39.      Z. Ye, M. H. Tang, Y. C. Zhou, X. J. Zheng, C. P. Cheng, Z. S. Hu, H. P. Hu. Modeling of imprint in hysteresis loop of ferroelectric thin films with top and bottom interface layers. Applied Physics Letters, 90 (2007), 042902 (1-3).

40.      Z. Ye, M. H. Tang, Y. C. Zhou, X. J. Zheng, C. P. Cheng, Z. S. Hu, H. P. Hu. Electrical properties of V-doped Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12 thin films with different contents. Applied Physics Letters, 90 (2007), 082905 (1-3).


1.         唐明华, 徐新宇, 燕少安, 张万里. 一种抗单粒子效应的N沟道场效应晶体管及其制作方法, 国家发明专利, 专利号: ZL 201410427196.2, 中国. 授权公告日: 20170926. 证书号第2638271.

2.         唐明华, 彭龙. 一种具有高开态电流的N型隧穿场效应晶体管, 国家发明专利, 专利号: ZL 201510033256.7, 中国. 授权公告日: 20170912. 证书号第2616250.

3.         肖永光, 王江, 马东坡, 唐明华. 一种提高PZT铁电薄膜负电容的方法, 国家发明专利, 专利号: ZL 201610110669.5, 中国. 授权公告日: 20171208. 证书号第2728991.

4.         唐明华, 陈毅华, 燕少安, 张万里. 一种P沟道场效应晶体管抗单粒子效应加固电路, 国家发明专利, 专利号: ZL 201510792290.2, 中国. 授权公告日: 20180522. 证书号第2933584.

5.         唐明华, 梁赛儿, 杨黎. 一种应用于无源超高射频识别标签芯片的解调电路, 国家发明专利, 专利号: ZL 201610267759.5, 中国. 授权公告日: 20180810. 证书号第3026924.

6.         唐明华, 黄诚, 刘新, 冯艳华, 王震.一种基于SoC的无线智能程序加载方法及系统, 国家发明专利, 专利号: ZL 201610139229.2, 中国. 授权公告日: 20190205. 证书号第3245583.

7.         唐明华, 许玉琪, 肖永光, 张万里. 一种双模UHF-RFID读写器的解码器及解码方法, 国家发明专利, 专利号: ZL 201610872746.0, 中国. 授权公告日: 20190726. 证书号第3471263.

8.         唐明华, 周焱, 谭文琪, 李正. 辐射探测器信号读出芯片. 集成电路布图设计著作权, 布图设计登记号: BS. 195604113, 中国. 布图设计颁证日: 2019930. 登记证书号第24418.

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